Traversée du Massif du Sancy sur la GTMC VTT © Auvergne Rhône-Alpes-Tourisme - P. Kunkel
Sur la GTMC VTT dans les forêts du Morvan vers le Haut Folin © Aloha Studio - GTMC
À VTT sur le causse Méjean © Aloha Studio - GTMC
VTT dans la chaîne des Puys © O. Octobre
La GTMC VTT dans les Cévennes © Aloha Studio - GTMC
Gorges de la Bouble © O. Octobre / GTMC-VTT
Arrivée sur la Couvertoirade à VTT © O. Octobre - IPAMAC
Panorama depuis le mont Aigoual © Aloha Studio - GTMC
Au bord du lac du Salagou à VTT © O. Octobre - GTMC
Arrivée à la mer Méditerranée, fin de l'aventure © O. Octobre - GTMC

Grande Traversée du Massif Central à VTT A mountain bike trail to share

This site is co-financed by the European Union. Europe is involved in the Massif Central with the European Regional Development Fund.

1400 km by mountain bike from Morvan in Burgundy to the Mediterranean Sea!

In 2018, the Grande Traversée du Massif Central à VTT (or GTMC) was reborn, offering mountain bikers a route almost 1,400km in length!This real adventure, fully signposted, crosses 5 natural parks and emblematic sites such as the Morvan lakes, the Allier, the volcanoes of Auvergne, the Cévennes, the Causses... before reaching the beaches of the Mediterranean!

A real mountain bike trip or electric MTB on paths and single tracks to share with your friends, family or just alone!

Cycle along according to your criteria

Levels of difficulty

The GTMC is waiting for you

Discover our tips for embarking on the GTMC mountain bike adventure